Supporting the Homeless
In the Bible, we read how Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry, befriended the lonely and taught the Kingdom of God wherever he went.
For over forty years, Andy Webb, one of our Elders at Park End has been going out onto the streets in Cardiff every Thursday evening, until about 4am to meet rough sleepers.
Providing food, blankets, friendship, a listening ear and a chance to pray together. We thank the Lord for this ministry and ask for His continued protection and provision.
If you would like to know more about this work, please contact us and we can put you in touch with Andy.
Other ways to support this area of need is through prayer as well as monetary donations.
Thank you so much to everyone who has donated warm clothes, blankets, duvets and sleeping bags, we are so grateful, your support has been much appreciated. However our store cupboard is currently FULL and we have sufficient stock of these items.
For the time being we are no longer accepting any of these items for donation.
We will update our website once there is a need for these items again.
Thank you for your continued support.